Sunday, September 03, 2006

The quest begins...

I'm visiting my lifelong friend Brandon for the Labor Day weekend and enjoying the use of his wonderful Dell desktop. Brandon's brother Brad heard I was coming and drove in to see me. I've known them all my life. Brandon and I are both 23 yo and Brad is 21. We all three wrestled together in high school. They are family to me. Brothers I never had.

I've always had my gymnastics and wrestling teammates as my close friends. I graduated college a year ago and have gone through withdrawal. I moved far away from friends and am on my own this past year. I've joined two gyms, one to lift weights and the other to practice boxing and train my abs.

My muscularity and athletics has formed my core identity. I've surrounded myself with likeminded guys in my sports, but am now sans such friendships. Thus the feelings of withdrawal.

Don't get me wrong. I'm highly social and enjoyed an interesting yet abusive time in my fraternity (you might ask me about that).

Something is missing and so I'm on a find the other half of myself.


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