Monday, September 04, 2006

A military option?

I was in the weightroom recently and two Marines noticed my pullup ability. They thought I could be one of the few, the proud...

Maybe the Marines should recruit gymnasts.

Anyway, that planted a new thought in me: perhaps I should join the military.

I told the two Marines that I can do endless situps, but learned that they don't do situps! Who knew? They do crunches. So I investigated and sure enough. Army, situps; Marines, crunches. BUT what the Marines call crunches are more like situps.

A guy told me that the Army takes better care of their men than Marines. He is in the Army. I don't know if that is true.

I have to admit that I don't know much about the military. In college I've helped lots of guys in ROTC to improve their pullup ability. It wasn't hard since they are in excellent shape already. They needed help on form. I don't understand the guys who try "pullups" palms facing in (aka, chinups). That requires too much bicep work.

The better way is to do pullups is with palms facing out (aka, just pullups). This uses the lats which can easily be developed into strong muscles.

While I'm at it, a strong regime of dips can help improve pullup numbers.

The physical challenges that come with the military option are great for me. I also appreciate the unit cohesion concept. I felt in my frat I took a lot of physical abuse and that develped cohesion among those who liked to punch me in my midsection all those years.

I do appreciate throwing my lot in with a group of solders who become one.

But are these the right motivations? Or just great perks!


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